When you're working with Lemas Accountancy Corporation your working with a firm that utilizes a proactive approach to tax planning. A tax plan is not a once a year quick look at your data and say "everything is going to OK". To minimize your tax burden it requires timely accurate tax basis financial reports to detail out a picture of your current tax burden. We can you help you every step of the process.
We don't like delivering bad news surprises and we know our clients don't like large balance due surprises. In years of rising income we do a minimum of 2-3 tax plans per year and as many as 6 per year in extreme cases.
Our tax planning services include:
Take Control! Do you know where you stand right now? Are you behind or are you ahead? What strategies are you employing to lower your taxes over the next few years?
See an Example of a Tax Plan with Tax Strategies
Request a FREE initial consultation today, email Cary Lemas, CPA or call at 916-788-0788 to learn more about our year-round services.